Falling Forward

Have you ever had an experience that left you feeling like the biggest failure ever, but with time and clarity you’re able to see the silver lining? And that maybe it was even the best thing to happen to you? This week we explore the theme of failure and I share one of my greatest public failure stories: the time I tried to work for Ellen DeGeneres.

I wasn’t going to attach the link here (out of pure embarrassment) but I’m going for it. Watch my Ellen video here.

Do yourself a favour and follow Maddie Zahm on Instagram, TikTok, and of course listen to her EP “You Might Not Like Her” on Spotify and Apple Music. And cry like me during her video “You Might Not Like Her.”

I’m teasing the FSCL merch this week, and some polls and question boxes for future episodes of the show, so please follow @findingsparklechasinglight on instagram. And of course, if you have the capacity to leave a podcast review on Apple or Spotify it means a great deal to me. Thank you so much!


The Catfish


Trusting the Universe