Hi bestie.

I am an endlessly curious, chronically over-analyzing, empath who’s obsessed with humans and our behaviour. I’ve shared some of my deepest feelings and experiences on the internet, and in doing so have unintentionally welcomed messages from strangers asking me questions about how I might handle certain situations through my lens of kindness but assertiveness.

I have spent the last 20 years of my life externally processing every situation of mine and my friends lives through thousands of hours of beautiful conversations. Talking through my emotions, feeling seen and making sure my friends keep me in check has been one of life’s greatest gifts.

And…. everyone deserve a best friend to talk through their problems or issues with! So, that’s where I come in. Do you have a tricky scenario that you’re playing on loop in your mind that you’d love to get an unbiased opinion on? Something you just want a little extra validation about? Nothing is off limits. Popular topics are: friendship, career, cringey co-workers, bosses, mother in laws, sex… but open to chatting about anything!

Submit your scenario/story anonymously and I will share it on one of the monthly Ask Your BFF episode.

xo Nicole

P.S This form is completely anonymous. I found out about my ex’s affair through one of these contact forms and even a professional cyber security person wasn’t able to track down IP iinfo! Your stories are safe with me.